Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire, Anna Turner, led a service of Thanksgiving and Commemoration at Shrewsbury Abbey to mark the ebbing of the coronavirus pandemic in Shropshire.
We remembered with thanksgiving and sorrow those who had died of Covid 19 in the county and prayed for those who continue to suffer the consequences of the pandemic, in body, mind or spirit. We gave thanks for all who have cared for the sick and suffering and provided vital services throughout our county. There was a 2 minute silence for reflection.
The sermon was given by The Venerable Fiona Gibson, Archdeacon of Ludlow and the choir sang the anthem “Christ has no body now but yours” by David Ogden.
There was a retiring collection for the Covid Commemorative Sculpture to be placed in the Abbey.
To make a donation to the Lord- Lieutenants appeal please click here