HM Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire, Anna Turner, had the pleasure of meeting with pupils at Moreton Hall School to hear about their tree planting plans as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy – a tree planting initiative to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee as well as reflecting the concerns raised at COP26 and the importance of planning a more sustainable future, which has been a focus for the Eco Team.
After meeting Mr Budd, Captain Randle, Contingent Commander, and Captain Crocket, The lord-lieutenant led a group of CCF cadets in a short ceremony where they read out the names of those who gave their lives in World War I from Weston Rhyn.
After making this mark of respect they planted a Sweet Chestnut Tree. Castanea Marron de Lyon was chosen as it is a variety that would have been growing in Flanders in 1915 and which was planted in their memory. The tree was grown by OM Steph Dunn at Frank P Matthews Nursery.
She was then shown the Walled Garden where members of the Eco Team told her about the restoration plans there and the new apple trees being planted this week. She was interested to hear about the Flowering Cherries that the Upper Sixth leavers are planting on Tree Day, as well as the plans to renew the Eco School Green Flag award and to improve recycling.