As the current President, The Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire was given a very warm welcome when she attended the 149th Shropshire County Show. It was a beautiful day with possibly one of the best turnouts in years. There were record entries in the livestock classes, wonderful stalls and displays and the day really showcased the best of our agricultural community and the opportunity to foster greater awareness and appreciation for the industry – “a truly fun family day out”.
The Shropshire County Agricultural Show was created in the late nineteenth century when it was launched as part of the cooperative venture – The Shropshire and West Midlands Agricultural Society.
Since 1875 agriculture has seen massive changes in farming techniques, engine-powered machinery and technology, but despite this, the DMOS People West Mid Showground and its annual show have always kept abreast of every new trend and continues to showcase the latest initiatives.
The show has been held for an impressive 150 years and throughout this span of time farmers, their families and their employees, and in the recent years a wider range of people, have come together annually to enjoy themselves in the merry month of May.
Martin Wood, Shrewsbury Town Crier, Lord-Lieutenant, Margaret Thrower- previous President and
Philip Thorneycroft, Chairman