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Coronation Medal presentation to Midland Cave Rescue members

Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire presents Coronation Medals to members of Midland Cave Rescue Members

Coronation Medal presentation to Midland Cave Rescue members

Earlier this month, the Lord-Lieutenant was delighted to present 18 members of the  Midland Cave Rescue Organisation with their coronation medals.  The presentation took place at the Severn Valley Railway Station at Bridgnorth.

The King’s Coronation Medal was awarded to emergency personnel who were in paid, retained, or voluntary service, including Cave Rescue, for five years on the Coronation date. 

Midlands Cave Rescue Organisation (MCRO) is formed from local cavers and mine explorers who are willing to voluntarily assist others who may be lost or injured in the caves and mines of the West Midlands, Shropshire and beyond. Their remit for rescue extends to any underground void (excluding coal mines) and covers people and animals.

The Lord-Lieutenant thanked all the team members, who are all volunteers and on call 24/7,  their family, friends and employers who support them